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Santa is a sweet friend of ours! It is always wonderful to visit with him when he is in town! He always knows what I want.
What Do I Want?
What I want is not something I focus on much. I think I have placed that thought in a back corner of a closet I don’t access much anymore.
My longing is for my family to be cohesive and together. I don’t ask for us to be together physically all of the time. I ask that we each see the importance of the others. I ask that we each would show grace and mercy.
In my hope...
Often this is where I get hurt the most. When I pull that desire out of its dusty location, hope comes right along with it. In my hope, I can ignore the small signs that something is not right. When it comes to my family, I want to believe them.
Another Longing
Another longing is to finally get over this fear and put myself out there with my online presence. The only way I can do that is to daily put effort into something to move me forward. I must allow my vulnerability and strength to shine through my writing and onscreen moments.
I want to be...
What do I want?
I want my life to be of value to others. I want to encourage, strengthen, and provide hope for them.
Life is good as long as we trust God’s process and draw close to Him.