Unexpected Changes (not necessarily my favorite)

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Wow, how things have changed in such a short period of time.  A couple of weeks ago I was leading a “nose to the grindstone”, “buckle down”, “get the job done”, “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me,” kind of life.  Five weeks into school and we had hit our groove.  I had literally, just broken down the curriculum our school had given us for Angel, and realized the goal we had set in our hearts and minds was achievable; when I received an email.  School was implementing something for Angel that we had not discussed.  Needless to say, the hubster and I were concerned.

Earlier that week, my son had turned a corner and was finally on the same path as I was.  The system I had developed seemed to be sailing smoothly.  I finally felt, I had mastered the oversight of his education.  That is where we were derailed.  That is where, I came to the conclusion, that my God feels the need to keep me on an uneven keel.  I am guessing it is because I may have previous history with some control issues.  Or maybe it could be some issues I may have with trusting others to do what is essential. Needless to say, after a few minutes (OK hours) of emotional duress, I accepted, once again, that I do not belong in the driver’s seat of this life.

So, where does that leave me?  I am a mom, a mom with a son who desperately needs me to direct his life.  I am a mom with a 17 year old who is madly in love and is approaching a whole new chapter in his life.  I am a mom of a teenage, young woman who still looks to me for guidance in finding out just who she is.  I am a mom of a naive, strong willed, beautiful daughter whose ten year old life is still magical.  I am a mom of a six year old, powerhouse of a firecracker who thinks I am the most amazing person he knows.  I am a mom, of a child with special needs who will need me, in some manner or another, her entire life. How do I handle all of these lives and not know what tomorrow holds?

Knowing his IEP was a couple of days away, we began to stratagize and figure out options in regards to the email.  We walked into the room ready to fight for what we believed was best for Angel.  We left that room knowing the outcome of the two hour meeting was perfect for him and that all eight people in that room were on the very same page.  Our complication was, what had previously been approved by the state, had been removed by the state. A choice needed to be made, full time homeschool or full time back to school. Beginning Monday, Angel would be back in school with a very, busy schedule.  He would have very little opportunity to make poor social decisions while having all of the support and encouragement he needs to succeed.  One thing our principal put into play is Friday’s off.  Soon to be the envy of the entire school, our son would still be afforded the time he needs to be strengthened emotionally and to continue bonding with his forever family.

Now here we are, a week back into school and a few days after Angel’s 13th birthday.  He is loving his classes, the teachers are loving him, and I am loving the unexpected three hours, four days a week of “me time”, something I haven’t had in over eight years. I love that everyone involved became committed, no matter what, to lift Angel above his issues.  I love that everyone sees my son’s true potential.  I love, that, even when I think the control is all mine, my Lord still has His hands on my life and, if I listen, He will guide me.

So, where does that leave me?  It leaves me in the best place possible.  You see, there is a saying popular in the circles I hang in…

“I may not know what tomorrow holds, but, I do know Who holds tomorrow.”
A group of people sitting around a table playing a board game.