Sharing is caring!

Anxiety Should Not Rule
I don’t know if you all realize this but, my life is A LOT. Not that I dwell on the details or be anxious about what might happen. (OK, occasionally my humanity shows) It just is. I love Phillippians 4:6-7. I love that I have been instructed not to allow anxiety to rule my moment. “Do not be anxious about ANYTHING”. That is pretty cut and dry if you ask me.
God Doesn't Stop
But God doesn’t stop there. He also requests that I share what is swimming around in this brain of mine with Him. And not only share but be thankful for what I ask of Him as if the solution is already on its way.
Then, to top it all off, “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding” is promised to guard my heart and mind. Thus, I was protected from those thoughts, not allowed them to take up residence in the first place.
If Only...
If only I would resort to prayer and supplication the moment worrisome thoughts came to fruition. I am getting better but usually, I allow my anxiety to take a few laps before I remember this amazing instruction.
The promise of peace, not in living but internal, emotional peace is huge. This gift is not achievable on my own. The verse says it all. “Which surpasses all understanding” I don’t know enough to bring about such peace.
Don't Worry, Be Thankful
Being thankful for every step God asks me to take, whether I understand it or not, can be easy if I allow it.
Why? Because I am in Christ Jesus. I am His. And He cares about me.
This Post Has 2 Comments
You are a daughter of The King!
Yes I am!!! Thanks for noticing.