Always Good ...

Life can be a song if you are willing to learn the tune! At the Schulze home we strive to find humor in living. Not that everything is covered with hot fudge and sprinkles, finding a way to smile throughout the challenges helps the proverbial medicine to go down.

Sweet Life with Ben and Jillian

Life is sweet with Ben and Jillian. With all of the work that comes along with their diagnosis the good stuff makes it ALL worth it.

Watch Jillian’s “Parade Wave” as we celebrate our country’s Independence. 

Toy Reviews with a Twist

***”Spotted” the “travel” game***

Toys and games serve a greater purpose in our family. Jillian and Ben really don’t have time to waste on the latest thing. Whether it is physical, occupational, speech therapies or social or emotional skill building we provide playthings that assist in development without the kiddo knowing it.

Flashback Friday

Blog posts or videos, reminiscing about where we once were not only brings a grin or a giggle but also encourages us for what’s to come. 

A baby in a car seat with a smile on her face.

Flashback Friday: Gone Fishin’

Family fun during a pit-stop on a long road-trip.
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