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Flashback Friday: Gone Fishin’
October 25, 2013
Family fun during a pit-stop on a long road-trip.
Deterring Deviations
October 22, 2013
This past week I spent my mornings sitting in the back of my 7th grader’s class. I did not go there to embarrass him, contrary
Perfecting Their Skills
October 17, 2013
All photos by Brooke Photography Brothers and sisters, sisters and brothers, part of my challenge as a parent is helping them to understand each other,
A Note Sharing A Letter by Noah’s Dad
October 14, 2013
The first time I held Jillian I was one of the fortunate ones, my grief lasted but a moment. My heart was won over by
My Biggest Cheerleader!
October 12, 2013
One of the greatest compliments I have ever received was, “Your kids feel comfortable in their own skin.” I mean, what more can a mom
Make It Worth Their While
October 10, 2013
After five years of Jillian I have come up with a few tricks and noticed trends in how she comprehends the world around her. The