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The Tree, The Storm, and The Stakes
Parenting Through The Challenges There is a wonderful analogy spoken of in Christian circles. It is one that helps the believer to understand why a
To all of the prayer warriors who lift me and my family before our Lord, Thank you! Thank you for thinking of me. Thank you
Excited in More Ways than One!
A Few Years Back May the 4th be with you! Happy Star Wars Day! To celebrate, why don’t you click on over to…/04/my-life-in-a-week/ and take a
30 years? What the???
This is it, my old stomping grounds! Who is that funny guy there? Here I am, well into the second leg of our return trip
A Close Call!
The broken bone… or not? We had a concern, was it fractured or sprained? In all of our 18 years of parenting, this experience had
An Open Letter of Thankfulness to the Teachers Whom Have Touched Our Lives
1st Day of School Here I am, the end of yet another school year. I have done this thirteen times now and each year seems