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Finding Time for Therapy
One of the most intimidating things when parenting a child with special needs is therapy. Whether, speech, physical, or occupational it is difficult to find
Communication is the Key
Weekday mornings in the Schulze household are dynamic, to say the least. Between breakfast, brushing teeth and buses, I have a few additional tasks. One
Way Beyond the Label with Eenie and Oodie
Our names are Ben and Keagan (aka Eenie and Oodie) Sweeney. We have autism and are both nonverbal, but that doesn’t mean we don’t understand
Community Awareness at the Christmas Parade
There is a reason Prescott is called Arizona’s Christmas City. Our population explodes with visitors that, along with the locals, line the streets for the
Inclusive Theater Group: “Applause” with Kelsey Claire
I am blessed to have two sisters born with Down syndrome, one is older than me and one is younger. Growing up with my sisters was
Vision Statement Template
“Personalized Vision Statements” are a great way to introduce your child to anyone who is working with them. The statements provide…