A Summer to Remember

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Written in a personal journal mid July 2013…

In two weeks we will be celebrating our final weekend before school starts up again. We don’t have big plans for a party or anything like that. It won’t be all about Mom getting her “free time” back after all of these years, even though Jillie is off to kindergarten. The excitement won’t be about Eric’s senior year and all that comes with it.

No, this celebration will be about the summer that we turned a corner as a family. Summer 2013 will be remembered as the season we first felt like a typical family. The weeks that were spent observing my children enjoy one another more than being frustrated with each other, I have loved. Watching the middles begin to step into the shoes of the biggles was a delight. Seeing my littles leave the baby/toddler zone and be able to play and carry on conversations with their siblings, blessed my heart. These things couldn’t have happened at a more perfect time.
The reality is, though:

This year, Jillie does start kindergarten. We are excited about her typical class, in our school of 13 years now. She and her friend will be the first children with Down syndrome to attend Acorn Montessori Charter School and we didn’t have to fight to get her in.   Maybe it had something to do with our lengthy relationship with our school. Maybe it’s because they have fallen in love with our family.  Maybe it is just our good looks! (OK, probably not)  I know the staff told us they wanted her but I could sense a tad bit of apprehension.  The fact is the same people who have taught, cared for and loved my first five children are willing to take on the unknown abilities of our sixth.  I don’t think my heart could be more blessed.

This year is Eric’s last year.  Senior year and all it includes will soon envelop our lives.  The emotion I will experience at his graduation will, itself, gradually grow throughout the year, I am sure.  While the excitement and apprehension build, memories will be made.  I am so looking forward to seeing the man God has made out of the 5lb 7oz baby boy He gave us less than 18 years ago.


This year Emily will become the fourth driver in our family.  Let’s just say, putting the lives of your children as well as the community-at-large into the hands of your teenager can be a little bit daunting.

This year, I become a home school mom and am actually excited about it.  The Lord orchestrated Angel’s 6th grade year, knowing we would need some extra bonding time.  My only child I did not change the diapers of, my only child to not spend time alone at home with me, will be able to explore emotions and memories with his Mom as well as reading, writing and arithmetic.  Prayer, both mine and those whom it is laid upon their hearts, will be a key ingredient to make this time successful.


This year Allie does it again!  Encouraging Allie to do her best can be challenging.  The repetition of the fourth grade will be good for her.  Although her intelligence rivals that of her siblings, she has a magical way about her.  The innocence blossoming from a beginning that was not so naive is sweet to watch.  Even though life for her began in negativity, our girl looks for the best in people and situations. What more can a mom ask for?

This year, Joe will lose more teeth.  His grin, currently, is rather toothless.  This year he also gets to be a big brother at school.  He absolutely LOVES his little sister.  Spending moments with her in his day is becoming great incentive.

This year my hubster, Kevin and I will achieve the 20 year mark in our marriage.  I pray that we can tear ourselves away for some special time, just the two of us.  I know I will need it and I am sure he will too.