Today I Have A Choice

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A group of smiling people, including children and adults, are seated side by side inside an airplane.

Today I have a choice. Even though I feel like the choice has been made for me. In actuality I always have a choice.

Today I want to recover from vacation. Finish unpacking and putting things away; organize the things I left behind; plan for my days now that school is back in the  picture, are all on my list to declutter my mind so I can focus on my business.

What will happen today?

I will load up Kevin and two of the kids in the car. We will drive to pick up Grandma from the assisted living facility and drop her off at her two hour hair appointment. The rest of us will run to stores and purchase much needed clothing and supplies for the final first day of school and be back in time to pick Grandma up and take her home. Then I will figure out dinner while making sure the kids are doing what is promised through their chore charts.

The list goes on.

As I complete all of these tasks, there is something of a subset of choices. How do I do these things? What attitude will I carry as I walk through my day? Will I live in freedom in the midst of the captivity of my responsibilities? Will I trust the One who has plans for me?

Jeremiah 29:11 ESV

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a  and a hope”

As I live out these plans, will I hope in my future?

I don’t even want to think about the alternative arguments that battle for my time and energy.

So, today, I will rest in freedom. I will listen for that still small voice which reminds me of the right thing to do and keeps my attitude in check. I will respond to the leading of the Spirit in my actions, words, and thoughts. I will represent Christ well.

Hopefully, I will empty suitcases and clear a ten foot long table also.

The List Goes On...

As I complete all of these tasks, there is something of a subset of choices. How do I do these things? What attitude will I carry as I walk through my day? Will I live in freedom in the midst of the captivity of my responsibilities? Will I trust the One who has plans for me?

Jeremiah 29:11 ESV

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a  and a hope”

As I live out these plans, will I hope in my future?

I don’t even want to think about the alternative arguments that battle for my time and energy.

So, today, I will rest in freedom. I will listen for that still small voice which reminds me of the right thing to do and keeps my attitude in check. I will respond to the leading of the Spirit in my actions, words, and thoughts. I will represent Christ well.

Hopefully, I will empty suitcases and clear a ten foot long table also.


So, today, I will rest in freedom. I will listen for that still small voice which reminds me of the right thing to do and keeps my attitude in check. I will respond to the leading of the Spirit in my actions, words, and thoughts. I will represent Christ well.

Hopefully, I will empty suitcases and clear a ten foot long table also.

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A group of smiling people, including children and adults, are seated side by side inside an airplane.