Who Really Has Control

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From a fellow control freak, I get that fear of not knowing.

Over the years, I joke about having 10 kids (that is an outrageous number) and how it took that many children to keep me out of trouble.

Probably, it would be more accurate to say it took that much for me to finally give up control (for the most part).  

There is a point where I can not do anything else. I have to trust God.

I trust Him for the paths my children choose, and that He will be there when they finally turn to Him.

I trust that He will always provide a way out of any situation and He is still talking to them in that quiet breeze of a voice.

I am confident that all things have a purpose in God’s economy. He will provide me with what I need to endure any difficulties resulting from the decisions of others.

I love that I am not in control.  I love that I need to listen for that still small urging from God. I love that I hear it. I love the way I respond is my choice.

That is the only thing I truly have control of, my response to His call.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Dianne

    Control is an illusion, but one most of us cling to.

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