Light and Momentary

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Three women playing cards and drinking coffee in the maintanence department waiting room of a car dealership
We made it 2/3s of the way to Emily's home when her car gave up. Making the most of a tough situation, finding some brevity in devastation helps to sooth the soul.

I don’t think anyone would consider my life as “light and momentary.”

Yet that is just what my life is.

God has me as well as the rest of my family.  The challenges we face as a group as well as individuals are meant to draw us close to God as well as form us into the likeness of His Son.

They are meant for others to see as well as for us to experience.

God is so good to me!

For every affliction, He comes through tenfold and then some.

It sounds weird, but these “light and momentary afflictions” are good, not easy but good nonetheless.

They help me to rest in my Savior’s arms. They help me to hope in what God has for me. They help me to listen and lean on the Spirit within me.

All of these things show me where my eternity lies and where my priorities are. Here, in this life, I already walk with the Creator.

One day, I will see Him face to face.

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Three women playing cards and drinking coffee in the maintanence department waiting room of a car dealership