About Cindy

When my third grade teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, my reply was, “A mom.” In the early 70’s, that was not a popular answer, nor was it accepted by the educator, so my second answer was “a teacher”. Since then I have majored in Early Childhood Education, taught preschool, worked in various retail environments, became a travel agent, met and married my wonderful husband Kevin, and then, achieved my ultimate career goal, motherhood.

Along with Kevin, we parent a brood of five boys and five girls. Two of children have Down syndrome, one child with Rett syndrome, and one with Autism. Adoption brought seven of our kiddos to us, while the other three came about the old fashioned way. Parenting is always a challenge. Add trauma in the mix and parenting can be extremely overwhelming.

My desire for this website is to bring light to rough situations, encourage my readers through my experiences, and provide hope for tomorrow.

Cindy wearing a Wonder Woman shirt with arms outstretched as if she is spinning

About Kevin...

Kevin or the “Hubster” as I like to refer to him, signed on for this ride in 1994 when he married me. At that point, neither of us knew where this roller-coaster of a life would take us. 

Kevin works full time, as well as parents full time. He serves consistently at church and makes sure he is available to join me for most school appointments. Kevin is my anchor as well as my sail. He is my editor and encourager. He constantly picks up my slack without a word.  He knows when I have that look in my eye that he better hold on tight and get ready for a journey to who-knows-where. 

I wouldn’t want to travel through time with anyone else.

About Jillian...

My third daughter introduced me to a passion I did not know I had. She has grown me in ways previously unimaginable. 

It was while she was in my womb that my passion for those with Down syndrome began. There was not a moment during my pregnancy that I was anything but thrilled to get to meet her.

An avid reader, Jillian has reminded me over and over again to not limit her. One moment she is a princess the next an astronaut. While she enjoys being a girl, superheroes and  baseball can be considered passions of hers. She is continually challenging, surprising, and exciting me. 

It is through her and her little brother that the mark I leave on our world is magnified. I am forever privileged and blessed to be called her mom.

About Ben...

When our youngest came on the scene our family was not looking to increase it’s numbers. When we heard that he fit the boy, girl, boy, girl, boy, girl pattern currently existing and his birthday fell in a month without that annual celebration we felt his tug on our hearts. 

After much prayer and a miraculously speedy home study, Ben became a Schulze and boy is he a Schulze. The saying “more alike than different” certainly pertains to Ben and his brothers. I am in awe at how similar they are.

Ben is a very busy boy who loves a good belly! He is genuinely concerned about any bumps or bruises you may have and is very detail oriented. He brings a new shade of joy to our home as well as another form of exhaustion. 

Ben is the definition of “Never Easy Always Good:

About the Crew...

Five, count them, five brothers and sisters came before Jillian and Ben. Each one carrying their own surprises, strengths, and struggles. We began with Eric in 1996 and a short 19 months later Emily was born.  Angel, Allie joined our fair family through foster/adoption in 2006 and their baby brother, Joe arrived early 2007 at just five days old. While we were in the adoption process with child number five, we learned we were pregnant with Jillian. Seven years later Ben made his way into our hearts. Our first five children are of huge importance in our family and have wonderful stories of their own but prefer to maintain more of a supportive role in my writing. 

Just when we thought we had finalized our family at nine, God chose to introduce our three youngest. Brooklynn, Karsten, and Cooper joined the Schulze clan in 2020. Be sure to explore and find more of our stories.