His Love Overflows

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Thanks for waiting for me!

The Best Family Portrait EVER!

This photo, out of all of those I have of my family, is the one most precious to me. It is the only one that exists with every member of the Schulze crew represented. You see, just a few months later one of us would leave this world to walk with our Lord forever. Sweet, sassy Cooper, our youngest, who, along with her sister and brother, came to live with us just two months prior to this image, would succumb to complications of Rett syndrome. On this side of Heaven, the Schulze family “12” will not have another opportunity to pose together for a memory. 

Family Photo 2021
Photo by Brooke Stevens-Patrick photographer

But wait, there are 13 lives represented in that image! Yes, if you notice, we have an extra in our midst. That makes it all the more beautiful and meaningful to me. That extra person (I’ll let you figure out who) represents an open seat at our “family-sized” table.  (Keep up with our “biggie sized” family here) 

Come on in and stay awhile

Visitors are always welcome into our home. In fact, sometimes they don’t leave. (wink, wink, adoption, Check out that story here.) Sometimes we rename you and it sticks.  (looking at you McMom in Heaven) Sometimes those who HAVE to visit end up WANTING to visit. (Here’s to you, therapists, social workers, caregivers, and more) Sometimes we love so much that I am surprised at the love that is returned.

As I took a quiet moment to explore what God has for me in His Word, I began to think about the love He has for me, this wife of a long time (our secret to a successful marriage), and mom of many. It’s easy to see what I pour into others. But to see what He pours into me?

His love brings joy

Going with the flow

That can feel a little too presumptuous, and prideful. Thinking of the One who created the heart and that His love for me fills His heart is intimate and intimidating. But that is exactly what I should be focusing on. Because He has loved me FIRST. It is because of His love that I am able to truly love others. I have found if I make His love my focus, the love I have for others flows strongly and naturally. What is amazing is then, that love that flows into others has the opportunity to flow to someone in their life through them. Thankfully, friends have been carefully placed in my life to be vessels who provide that refreshment. (What kind of friend am I? Find out here.) It is similar to a stream that pools, overflows, runs down a hill or across a meadow, then pools, and overflows again. 

Preventing drought

Beautiful Moments

The key to these beautiful moments, though, is the source. There needs to be a constant, healthy flow of water to feed that stream. Just as my source needs to be consistent and healthy. When on my own that stream of love dries up and becomes resentment, frustration, and self-pity. 

When I truly focus on God and His love, I am able to overlook and overcome situations that would normally drain all that is in me. 


Join me and my community at The Known Universe and cheer on those friends who walk along side you on the path God has placed before you.

Thinking about adoption. Check out “AdoptUSKids” for children in fostercare who are in need of a forever family.

Have you adopted and need a little extra encouragement? Join Cindy and her friend Jodi of “Creating Healthy Families Naturally” as they chat on their podcast “Chaos 2 Calm: Adoptive Mom Care.”

Learn more about adoption support with Jodi riiiiiight HERE!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Jaime Camacho

    God Bless You

    1. Cindy

      Thank you so much. He has blessed me and continues to do so. It is wonderful to be able to search for the blessing in the hardest of times.

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