Now is Jillie’s Time

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I LOVE this photo!  Every kindergarten year for every child, I have a photo very much like it.  The new schoolchild hand-in-hand with Daddy, approaching the building they would begin their academic career in.  To me it represents my husband leading my child to his or her first step towards independence.
This particular photo, though carries a little more weight with it.  My baby is off to school.  The little girl who has surprised me day after day with her eagerness to learn will be learning from someone else.  I have to admit also, I have a tad bit of fear for the moment she encounters someone who does not appreciate just how special she is and chooses to tease her instead of protect her.  But, now is Jillie’s time to stand up for herself.  Now is Jillie’s time to show the world just what she is made of.  Now, is my time to step back, a little, and allow her adventure to continue, at times, without me.
After One Week of Kindergarten