What a day and it’s only 9:30AM!

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Gotta Love Brooke Photography!

It all began with waking up, as every morning does, this morning was no different.  The everyday thoughts were already brewing as I set my foot on the floor and lifted my hiney out of bed.  What to wear and hairstyle choice were already decided upon as I would be joining Eric’s girlfriend for a “hike” after the kids were all dropped off.  I say “hike” because she was needing to tone it down for this late 40 something mom of six (I use the kids for an excuse a lot, it’s hard to argue with.)  So, yoga pants, tank top and a baggy T, because no one wants to see this body in just yoga pants and a tank top.  Hair up into a pony tail, thankfully because it’s time to touch up the silver strands again.  With my designated walking tennis shoes and socks in hand, I left my sanctuary.

Next stop was my Keurig and the K-cup drawer.  I dug around and found the coffee I like, (why I keep the rest of them is beyond me) pulled out my Tigger mug and internally mourned the fact that the handle has a hairline fracture that was more than likely caused by a disgruntled child with dishwasher duty.  Thinking I would finish off the creamer I chose, I began to pour.  I then realized the bottle would need to be returned to the fridge because draining it would wreak havoc on my much anticipated mug of satisfaction.

Now to the couch and my tablet and Bible app, ready to read a portion of today’s One Year Through the Bible plan ( I think I started it in January 2012)  Anyways, I believe we finished up Job today.  Yay, I got tired of his know-it-all friends and what about that wife of his????  God is good!

All throughout my morning routine, my mind is circling around the tasks of the day. What would dinner consist of?  We have Jillie’s IEP at school at 3:15 this afternoon.  I need to get Mrs. ….., the babysitter directions to the house when we drop the younger four with her at the other campus because we won’t have time to meet her at home.  Pizza it is then, I won’t have time to make anything decent before those who can, head off to church.  Oh yeah, I have to meet the Hubster at the high school at twoish to drop my van off so Eric and Emily have a way home after rowing practice. That reminds me, tomorrow is “Talk Like a Pirate Day”, I need to make that pasta dish I promised for the crew’s fundraiser at lunch time.  Thank the Lord for crock pots!  Today is church!  That means it’s Wednesday and the middles have school picture day, thankfully with our favorite photographer, Brooke!  Good thing the littles have until Friday.  I have no idea what I want them to wear.  Oh well, the checking account is depleted until tomorrow.  We may not be able to buy the pics this year anyways.

The Hubster is finished making his lunch and heads down the hall to wake the troops.  I hear each door opened as well as his “Good morning (insert name here)!  It’s time to get up.”  I keep an eye on the baby monitor to make sure Jillie actually gets out of bed.  She does, whew, maybe we have a cheerful girl?  OK, maybe not.  We all piled on the BIG couch ready for prayer, announcements, to give and receive our morning hugs (most of us, Jillie is still moody) and it’s off to get ready for our days.  Wait, Angel, wear something nice, it’s picture day!  Allie you need to hurry because the dishwasher needs unloading! Joe, you get dressed quickly, no hanging out on your floor nakey.  OK, Jillie, time to go potty.  Yep, still cranky.

Thankfully, Emily loves getting Allie ready on days like this, one less thing on my plate.  Eric is wandering the house looking for something?  Keys, you can’t find your keys to the car.  Great, he may need me to drop mine off.  One more thing to remember. Hug and kiss the Hubster good bye.  Band aids for Allie’s shoes, sure, go get some.  Angel, help Allie with the dishes, she may take a while this morning.  Did everyone take care of the dog?  Ask Eric and Emily where your shorts are.  They are the ones responsible to wash, dry, fold and get clothes back to their prospective owners.

OK, my breakfast, into the blender goes a banana, spinach, strawberries, sweetener and a couple drops of wild orange essential oil, now wait for the berries to thaw a bit.  Sit to check emails.  Joe has figured out how to tie shoes this morning and offers to help me with mine.  Yay?!  OK, I let him.  He needs to feel big at times.  Did you remember the trash Angel?  Allie are you almost ready?  Ok, thanks for braiding her hair Emily.  My living room is looking like an laundry mat again.  Humph!!!  Because you all like apples, that’s why I have a big ‘ol box of them, and I hope to make applesauce soon.  Where is my coffee?  Time to add soy milk and make a smoothie.  Yum, so refreshing and vibrant during the morning drive.  Ten minutes until backpacks and van!!! Travel mug in the Keurig, open up the new creamer, I will finish the other later.

 Found your keys yet?  Nope, okay?  Who will help get shoes on Jillie?  Thanks Angel.  I know, sister, but I have to brush your hair every morning.  You will be OK.  Turn out the lights and close windows and blinds. BACKPACKS EVERYONE AND INTO THE VAN!!!

Grab my liquid breakfast, smoothie and coffee with a water chaser.  Don’t forget the purse, phone, keys, sunglasses and headset (I get too distracted if I have to hold a phone)  Out the door I go.

Backing the van out, so thankful nothing got spilled, this morning.  Man!  188,000 miles, really? Oh well, God has the perfect one lined up.  It’s Wednesday, Angel’s day to pray. Amen.  Yes we can turn on the radio. Did someone grab Jillie’s backpack???  Whew!  Remember, Mrs. …. will be picking you up today.  Quietish for a few miles.  As we pull into the biggles school, “Mom, my stomach hurts.”  I think nothing of it, breakfast, thankfully, is provided at school, he must be hungry.  Pull into the high school, oh yeah, you need my keys for the back of the van.  That automatic door stopped working a long time ago, followed by the electric latch.  Everyone say bye to Eric and Emily!  Ok bye.  Off we go to school number two.

“Mom, I feel like I am going to throw up!”  Think quickly.  Hand him a Target bag with tissues to absorb stuff.  Think again, the bag may have holes, oh well.  Pull over, get out of the van, pour out my big smoothie cup with only a few sips missing from it.  Rinse it with the water chaser and hand it back to brother.  Call the Hubster to inform him of this new event and get moral support. No answer, bummer. Jillie, will you share toast with Joe?  Please, it will make his tummy feel better.  Thanks sweet girl for sharing.  How are you feeling mister?  Good.

Ok, Joe pray for Alize, Alize pray for Angel, Angel pray for Jillie, Jillie pray for Joe.  What?  Ok Angel will you pray for Joe?  Thanks. Whew 7:30, we are on time for breakfast!  Off to the third school.  Are you still felling good Joe?  Good.  Make sure you eat a cheese stick tomorrow morning before we leave.  Oh my, I can’t go on a hike.  I need to be near my car, just in case.  Out of the van you two.  Darn, I accidentally dialed her, oops.

In the school, OK let’s go hug Joe. Oooomph, group hug!!!  Have a good day Joe!  Oh yeah, this is what happened on the car ride in.  Call me if you need me.  I think he is just hungry.

Ok, Jillie’s class.  Oh, bagel day.  Here she goes, digging into the cream cheese with her spork.  Some battles I choose not to fight.    What?  Her teacher isn’t here today?  A family emergency?  No IEP today?  Ok.  Yes, I can drive this other student home today.  I will call the Hubster and therapists and tell them.    Potty?  Ok, let’s go!  Hello, sorry I didn’t mean to call you.  I am at the school with Jillie in the bathroom.  I will call you back in a few.  Ok, bye.  Hello, Joe thought he was going to throw up in the car.  I thought I would share it with you.  Ok, thanks, bye.  Wash your hands and out we go.  Back to breakfast, here goes the cream cheese again.  No, she’s not playing “See food” she is trying to swallow.

Do you need extra help today?  Ok, if you need me, just call.

Back to the van, man just over a quarter of a tank left.  I hope it lasts.  Hi, I have to cancel our hike today. I have to be able to get back to school quickly.  I want to pay all of my attention to you but can’t today.  Can we reschedule?  Let’s plan on next Wednesday.  Ok, bye.

Hi Hunny!  No IEP today.  Yep you can stay at work.  Text the biggles and tell them you will pick them up.  The next available date is in October.  Jillie is getting what she needs for now.  We have to do what we have to do. I will text the various therapists to inform of the change. Wow, it’s 8:15.

Back to the Angel and Allie’s school.  Can you get a message to them that I will be picking them up.  Thanks.  Tell Mrs. ….. too.  Thanks again.

I need to rethink dinner!  Left overs it is!!!

I am hungry, time to go home.  Make breakfast number two.  What a day, and it’s only 9:30AM!
I need to write this down.

—- typing —-

11:00 I need to head out to get Jillie. Get in the van, phone rings.
Hello, I have to call the Hubster.  Yes I’ll text you back.
Hi Hunny, can you get that time off again?  We have an IEP to go to.

Yes, it has been a day and hasn’t stopped since.

A group of kids sitting in a van.